The Marriage Meal

~Man or woman, newly-wed, not yet wed or long-time wed, there is something here for you.  ~ The Marriage Meal-1

We already know what marriage is not; after all, we see it all the time. We know what we want our marriage to be, and it is possible to achieve. How about going all-out, holding nothing back, everything you have? You have the greatest Guidebook, ever.

Here are some hard-hitting truths to bring to your marriage table, coupled with honest reflections from men and women, some married and some no longer.  This meal will incite you into making your marriage one continuous, satisfying feast.

Click here to purchase.

About LawsOnHealth Wellness

My organs were shutting down, the specialist said. I didn’t hear much of anything after that. For me, the words, ‘shutting down’ meant imminent death, fraught with horrible pain. I envisioned myself unable to control my bodily functions and being left in hospice to moan my last few days. It did not help that the doctors did not know what was wrong with me. On top of all the drugs they prescribed which made me more ill, they did an EMG (such long needles!) MRIs, an endoscopy, and CT scans. Major surgery came next but was later determined to have been unnecessary. That day, hearing those words from the specialist brought me to the river's edge; I would take no more drugs! Instead, I would take my health in hand. Now, I am well, and a trained naturopathic physician, holistic health coach, and colon hydro-therapist. All around us, there is a renewed surge in alternative health and I am excited to help clients reach their goals. Are you at the edge of the river?
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  1. Pingback: You are going to love these! | Lawsonhealth Wellness

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